White Poodles
White, a popular colour that represents poodles most significantly.
White poodles have always been the most demanded amongst all colours.
White is also the most favourable colour in Japan, where teacup poodles originate.
However it's not so easy to breed poodles of a pure white colour.
The definition of "pure white" poodles refers to poodles appear to have a clean,
white, snow-like fur coat colour from all angles.
Most white poodles as house pets have a small amount of
light-cream/ivory fur on their ears or tails; strictly speaking,
a white poodle with even just a tiny bit of non-pure-white fur
should not be considered a "white" poodle anymore.
Some poodles may seem to have a white hair coat from a distance
but that's just that still does not qualify them as pure white (ice white) poodles.
white poodles did not have a large hair volume in the old days,
however after decades of improvements on the poodle genes,
most poodles now have a large curly fur coat, and additionally the number,
though still rare, of pure white poodles have increased a lot as well.
with their hair problem fixed, other problems still remain…
the coat colour of a pure white poodle does not change with age,
however other traits may appear as the poodle gets older,
such as changes on the nose colour (lighter) and turns pink eventually,
same change applies around the eye area of white poodles.
moreover, the biggest difficulty in producing white poodles is that eventually,
the colour of pure-bred white poodle puppies are not going to be
as beautiful as the original poodle dams and sires.

breeding poodles with a beautiful white fur coat plus a natural white colour
is the ultimate goal of every professional white poodle breeders.
white poodles with nice black colour on their nose, eyes, lips, paws and nails
are called "Black Points", especially for puppies with a strong pigmentation,
the colour of black appears underneath their skin (Dark Skin or Black Skin).
thus, the best white poodle must have an ice-white fur and a black skin.
Cream Poodles
Cream poodles are also one of the rarest breed amongst poodles.
Pigmentation of cream poodles does not decrease as easily as white poodles over the years.
Cream poodles refer to poodles with a light cream colour at the end of their hair
(some have a slightly darker such as apricot colour).
It's very interesting that there are different levels of "cream colour" in cream poodles.
(some have a slightly darker such as apricot colour).
It's very interesting that there are different levels of "cream colour" in cream poodles.

Despite the colour variation, all cream poodles will be going through a
colour decrease stage in their later lives (ie. human's silver hair age);
some cream poodles even develop into white poodles as they become older.
generally speaking, only poodles with a darker cream colour
(such as apricot) stay as "cream poodles".
one possible reason for the rarity in cream poodles is that some breeders
only stick to the plan of producing "pure white poodles".
Article reference: Japanese Magazine ( プードルファン ) p.88
colour decrease stage in their later lives (ie. human's silver hair age);
some cream poodles even develop into white poodles as they become older.
(such as apricot) stay as "cream poodles".
only stick to the plan of producing "pure white poodles".
In YouLong we have all kinds of teacup poodles for you.
We assure you that this is the best website of teacup poodles.
In YouLong, we have standard teacup poodles,
super tiny teacup poodle, pocket teacup poodle and toy poodles.
We guarantee the health and size of our poodle puppies.
With the most professional team,
we provide various tips and information about how to raise a poodle.
Every cute poodle is bred and sold directly by ourselves.
We have a five-star breeding center and you can see our quality.
Teddy bear teacup poodles can be delivered all over the world.
The best and supreme toy poodles, teacup poodles,
super tiny teacup poodles and pocket poodles are at YouLong Breeding Center.
I can’t wait to introduce you the most beautiful teacup poodles,
super tinny teacup poodles, pocket poodles or toy poodles at YouLong.
On our website we have poodles of many colors such
as: red poodle, black poodle, white poodle, chocolate/brown poodle,
apricot/cream poodle, silver/gray poodle.
We offer many choices on colors,
and we believe you can find the sweetest one, which belongs to you.
We have experiences at professional breeding for more than 20 years.
For our reputation, we only send healthy and strong poodles to our customers.
Please check our official YouLong website.
For sure you will find the best teacup poodles,
super tinny teacup poodles, pocket poodles or toy poodles.
After you purchase our teacup poodles, super tinny teacup poodles,
pocket poodles or toy poodles,
we are always here to guide you and
answer all your questions about how to raise your poodle.
Other ways of contacting us:
Whatsapp : +886975785398 or +886963110478
QQ: 603042543 / SKYPE: teddy52999
Email: a5299.a3344@msa.hinet.net or teddy5299@hotmail.com
(We check our emails everyday!)
↓↓↓ other reading ↓↓↓
Reminder from Mommy Teddy
Getting to Know Teacup Poodles
Get to know teacup poodle breed !
Getting to know your teacup poodle P2
Changes in Hair Colours?
Color Transformation of Poodles
other poodle information
IF you have any questions feel free to contact us
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Çay bardağı kaniş Oyuncak kaniş Süper minik çay fincanı kaniş Küçük cep çay bardağı kaniş Kaniş köpek yavrusu Safkan Kanişler veya Cins Kanişleri Satılık Kanişler oyuncak ayı kaniş oyuncak ayı uluslararası teslimat Paris France
Çay bardağı kaniş Oyuncak kaniş Süper minik çay fincanı kaniş Küçük cep çay bardağı kaniş Kaniş köpek yavrusu Safkan Kanişler veya Cins Kanişleri Satılık Kanişler oyuncak ayı kaniş oyuncak ayı uluslararası teslimat Ankara Türkiye
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toy poodles(teddy bear) pocket poodles(teddy bear) small teacup poodle(teddy bear) named