You-Long Poodle Breeding Center International Delivery Available! Please Call Mummy Teddy Mob1:+886-975785398

No. 20, Lane 51, Lane 139, Renhe Road, East District, Tainan City
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*Getting to know your teacup poodle P2


Sizes of poodles

For the sizes of poodles, despite the different wording, there is not much difference in countries.  However, to participate in pet exhibitions or breeding industry, there are some special requirements of poodles you will have to achieve. For instant, American AKC, Japanese JKC, British KC and Taiwanese KCT each of the associations has different standard requirements.
According to the height of each poodle, poodles can be divided into three main varieties: big size standard poodle, medium size miniature poodle and small size toy poodle.

That said, the standard of height of poodle can be slightly different across countries.

Even though the appearances can be quite different from these three varieties of poodles, but the characters of each variety of poodles aren’t much different.


JKCH: <38cm

H: from scapula to the ground <15inch(38.1cm)


JKCH: 28cm~38cm

H: from scapula to the ground  <15inch(38.1cm)but<10inch(25.4cm)


JKCH: <28cmthe best 26cm

H: from scapula to the ground <10inch (25.4cm)


Size of Toy poodle


1. Standard of Toy poodle
JKCH: <28cmthe best is 26cm
H: from the scapula to the ground <25.4cmW: 3~5kg 

2. Standard of Small Toy poodle

H: from scapula to the ground <9inchesW:4~6lbs<25cmW:2~3kg)

3. Standard of teacup poodle

H: >8inchesW: <4lbs (<23cmW:2~1.8kg)

4. Standard of pocket teacup poodle
H: from scapula to the ground < 7inches
W: <3lbs (<18kg~1.5Kg) 

. According to some American breeders say, teacup poodles are originally from America. They generate a standard that classified teacup poodle to toy poodle breed under AKC. 


2.          The best way to make sure the size of a teacup poodle is after 5 months old.

Although normally the size can be almost certain after 12 weeksbut a teacup poodle would stop growing when it reaches 8 moths old. That means if you wish to be more accurate, please be patiently waiting till its 8 monhts old. 

3.          To find a real teacup poodle is a big task and the breed doesn’t have wide range of color selection for customers to choose from.  

4.          A real teacup poodle will need slightly longer period of time to adapt itself to a new environment. Approximate 2-3 weeks is needed. 

5.          As teacup poodle breed is easy to be scared and always in a frightening state. The breed needs glucose at all times to support its strength and to avoid going into shock state.   

6.          Furthermore, teacup poodle breed needs tiny portion of each meal (1-2spoonful food) and the teacup poodle breed can have teeth malocclusion easily.

Misunderstanding of teacup poodle 


1.          Rumor says that teacup poodle has unstable personality in general as the breed is mixed by other breeds and caused developmental disability. But there is no evidence to support this statement. 

2.          Teacup poodle can suffer from low blood sugar as this breed of poodle has smaller stomach that said it can’t accommodate enough amount of food it actually needs to support itself. 

But this doesn’t mean teacup poodle has any default. 

4.          Teacup poodle is a very delicate breed of dog and the way to raise it up can be totally different.  

Before purchasing this breed of poodle, you will have to consider your situation. For instance, sufficient amount of money and time is necessary. 




As we have mentioned earlier, there are standard poodle, miniature poodle and toy poodle. But a 1:1 perfect proportion poodle is very rare and difficult to find.  What is 1:1 proportion? A teacup poodle's proportion size is squarely built its appearance is 1:1  

In poodle’s world, finding a 1:1 perfect proportion poodle in standard poodle is genuinely easier. In opposite, finding a 1:1 perfect proportion in miniature poodle and toy poodle would be more challenging.    

For competition purpose, 1:1 and 10:9 are the perfect proportion. But those perfect proportion of poodles are not easy to find on the current market.  

Thanks to Miss Lian from Guangzhou, China. Here is her update about her teacup poodle, Xi-Yi. Xi-Yi is Miss Lian’s second teacup female poodle from Teddy Mommy.

Lian Mommy keeps praising her baby has such a great appetite in general. 

(XI-YI is one and half year now and 1133g) she is a rare teacup breed of poodle.

XI-Yi loves to play with human and very clingy. She loves to sleep with mommy in the bed.

I (Mommy) sometimes took her for food shopping at the supermarket. And people always praised my little teacup poodle saying how beautiful she is. People always think she is a stuffed animal. lol.

Don't you think you have heard that before? Haha! Thank again to Miss Lain from Guangzhou. 

Hello Poodle Papa and Mama~
In YouLong we have all kinds of teacup poodles for you.
We assure you that this is the best website of teacup poodles. 

In YouLong, we have standard teacup poodles,
super tiny teacup poodle, pocket teacup poodle and toy poodles.
We guarantee the health and size of our poodle puppies.
With the most professional team,
we provide various tips and information about how to raise a poodle.
Every cute poodle is bred and sold directly by ourselves.

We have a five-star breeding center and you can see our quality.
Teddy bear teacup poodles can be delivered all over the world.


The best and supreme toy poodles, teacup poodles,

super tiny teacup poodles and pocket poodles are at YouLong Breeding Center.


I am Teddy Mommy, and this is the story of our teacup poodles.
I can’t wait to introduce you the most beautiful teacup poodles,
super tinny teacup poodles, pocket poodles or toy poodles at YouLong.

On our website we have poodles of many colors such
as: red poodle, black poodle, white poodle, chocolate/brown poodle,
apricot/cream poodle, silver/gray poodle.
We offer many choices on colors,
and we believe you can find the sweetest one, which belongs to you.

We have experiences at professional breeding for more than 20 years.
For our reputation, we only send healthy and strong poodles to our customers. 

Please check our official YouLong website.

For sure you will find the best teacup poodles,
super tinny teacup poodles, pocket poodles or toy poodles.

After you purchase our teacup poodles, super tinny teacup poodles,
pocket poodles or toy poodles,
we are always here to guide you and
answer all your questions about how to raise your poodle.

Teacup poodle hotline: 886975785398 / 886963110478 / 886932795255

Other ways of contacting us:

Line ID : teddy52999 or teddymommy75
Whatsapp : +886975785398 or +886963110478
QQ: 603042543
  /  SKYPE: teddy52999

Email: a5299.a3344@msa.hinet.net  or  teddy5299@hotmail.com
(We check our emails everyday!)




www.52993344.com | www.tcuppoodle.com
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