You-Long Poodle Breeding Center International Delivery Available! Please Call Mummy Teddy Mob1:+886-975785398

No. 20, Lane 51, Lane 139, Renhe Road, East District, Tainan City
online: 1
guests: 0014873823
Buy or Reserve to see YouLong Teacup Poodles , FREE pick-up and drop-off @ Tainan Airport & Tainan THSR Station

Purchase or Reserve to See Beautiful
YouLong Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears,
We offer Free Pick-Up & Drop-Off @
Tainan THSR/Train Station/Airport

The One & Only Poodle (Teddy Bear)
Specialist/Breeder in Taiwan, Teddy Mommy.

Ranged from Toy Poodles ~ Teacup Poodles:
Teacup, Small Teacup, Super Tiny Teacup & the world's smallest
Pocket Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears

We breed and sell our own Poodle Teddy Bears
Reservation required prior to store-visits!!

Unlike other pet stores / small kennels that breed various types
of canines to meet customer needs, we focus on ONE breed only
- Poodle Teddy Bears - since the beginning of our business
for more than 30 years (1984 ~ 2017).

All we wish for is to make friends from all around the world
in the name of our Mad Love for Poodle Teddy Bears

Confirm your special Teddy Bear Visit @YouLong
and we will provide your very personal 

Local Pick-Up & Drop-Off @
the Tainan THSR
(Taiwan High Speed Rail)
Tainan Train Station &
Tainan Domestic Airport
!! Free of Charge !!

This applies to all overseas customers from
HK, Singapore, China, Macao, USA, Canada,
UK, Italy, Spain, Korea, Japan, Germany,
Dubai (UAE), Turkey, Finland, Sweden,
Norway, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine,
Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland,
Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia,
South Africa, Malaysia, Phillippines...
and many many more

Dear Poodle Teddy Bear Papa & Mama,
if you are planning a recent trip to Taiwan
for your Teddy Bear visits and a holiday getaway
after you have purchased/reserved your
Dream Teddy Bears at YouLong, 
we also provide
Personal Tainan Cultural Tour
take you to the most popular tourist attractions
for you to get to know more about the hometown
and historcial backgrounds of YouLong Teddy Bears

Local Pick-Up & Drop-Off @ 
the Tainan THSR (Taiwan High Speed Rail)
Tainan Train Station & Tainan Domestic Airport
!! Free of Charge !!

Still considering?
Come to Taiwan and visit our beautiful city, Tainan.

It's a wonderful place to ease your mind and
release all your pressures from work and life.
Let down your guards and take a good look
around our sophisticated, cultured and
tourist-friendly City of Tainan.

Surely you're curious to find out the origin of your
beloved Teddy Bears here in Tainan, Taiwan.

Adorable, gracious and eye-dazzling
YouLong Poodle Teddy Bears welcome you all
with their big hugs and hot kisses!!

One Day In Tainan

click for more info

Local Crusine and Must-Eat Dishes @ Tainan

Yu-Cheng Fruit & Fresh Juice Bar
Cho's Fish Noodles
Chou's Shrimp Rolls
Yamane Sushi Place
Lily's Fruit & Fresh Juice Bar

click for more info

 The Ancient Castle City of Anping


click for more info  

Tainan City Two-Day Tour Recommendation:
Confucious Temple & Taiwan Literacy Museum

click for more info


Hometown of Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears
here in Tainan, Taiwan


There's this Teddy Bear Mommy (Yin-Yin Chang) in Taiwan
who's madly in love with "cute bears" that she began
her journey in search of Teddy Bears since she was still
a little girl at a very young age of 19.
She was attracted to a bear-like animal in a stranger's arm
at a Dog Talent Show many years ago by coincidence...
After having a good, deep conversation with that stranger,
she realised it was a Teacup Poodle Teddy Bear...

Teddy Bear Mommy (Yin-Yin Chang) discovered
the beauty of Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears,
not only for their big, curly fluffy hair,

pretty bright round eyes, and especially
their adorable tiny bear-palms...
ahhh, melted her heart right away!!

These Teddy Bears come in all sorts of colors,
they are living animals with movements,
personalities, thoughts and feelings, and they
too get sad and sick like us humans,
they are soulful animals with characteristics.

Soulful Animals

Teddy Bear Mommy (Yin-Yin Chang) sees purity,
innocence, total loyalty, honesty, kindness,
and true beauty from within while living,
eating and sleeping with all her Teddy Bears.
She not only feels spiritually fulfilled and satisfied,
she also learnt the deeper meaning of life from the
Teddy Bear's perspectives: Lifes and Deaths.

Live the moments while you still can,
advance all aspects in life (body, mind & spirit)
Teddy Bear Mommy's love for Teddy Bears
already exceeds all barriers, exists beyong
time, spaces, languages and boundries.

Teddy Bear Mommy turns feelings into actions,
in a hope to share selflessly such wonderful,
satisfying feeling she gained from living with
these beautiful Poodle Teddy Bears, 
and for others to also enojy the unconditional love,
warmth and ultimate hope given by Teddy Bears.



In the Name of Love



Teddy Bear Mommy (Yin-Yin Chang) takes the love she
learns from Teddy Bears as her lifetime responsibility,
sharing the love of Teddy Bears to all parts of the world,
and when everytime a Teddy Bear finds a home,
Teddy Bear Mommy treats it as planning a wedding
for her beloved Teddy Bear sons and daughters.

In a way it feels like she has families all around
the world, such a heart-warming and great feeling.
Especially when seeing how her daughters and sons
(Teddy Bears) change the entire atmosphere after
arriving in their new families, adding laughters
joy and remarkable memories to their homes
in the name of LOVE.

Teddy Bear Mommy feels satisfied beyond words
when receiving appreciation letters and photo updates
shared by Teddy Bear's new families.
This is Teddy Bear Mommy's
"most soul-fulfilling moments ever!" 


Pocket Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears
Why the trend?

1. Easily Portable: light in weight, easy to carry around, 
hence more chance for owner-pet interactions 
and stronger, closer relationships. 

2. Very Small In Size: not much living space needed, 
suitable for all environments.

3. Very Small Appetite: less expense on food and snacks.

4. Tiny Body Size: less expense on grooming.

5. Preciously Adorable & Petite: very rare and should be 
treated with care and love like Kings and Queens.

6. High Intelligence: smartest amongst all small size 
canines, calm, gentle and obedient.

7. Very Rare To Find: high in demand yet short in supply, 
shows owner's uniqueness and elite social status.

8. People-Friendly & Sweet Personality: 
easily trained and very fast learners,
usually the best behaved child in the family.

9. Most Popular Breed: acress Europe, USA & Japan

10. Life Expectancy: usually around 15 years in average,
can save up to the price of 2~3 Teacup Poodles or even 
the price of Pocket Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears.

We breed and sell our own Teddy Bear Poodles. 
Reservation required prior to customer store visits. 
Business Hour: 1300 ~ 2200 daily. 

Teddy Mommy may not be available at all times, 
please phone in to confirm reservation with us
before you arrive at YouLong (Tainan, TAIWAN). 
Give Teddy Mommy a call for faster assistance.

+886-62292569 、 +886-975785398 
+886-932795255 、 +886-963110478

Standard Puppies

Premium Puppies

 Supreme Puppies

Brand Puppies



Family Stories
Witness the journey in pursuit of love of our
Teacup Teddy Bears and their new homes.

Record of all the marvellous remarkable life moments of
YouLong's beautiful Teacup Teddy Bears
(bred singlehandedly here at YouLong Poodle Breeding Center)
shared by their new families from all around the world.

Supreme Puppies
YouLong Teddy Bear (Poodle) Family
Purchase regulations & puppy health guarantee

www.52993344.com | www.tcuppoodle.com
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