(スモールティーカッププードルテッディーベア) Blossoming Sakura, on holiday trips with mommy to enjoy the Spring Green @TPE, Taiwan

vibrant brown-eyed Sakura and her beautiful sweet mommy
these two beauties are destined to be together
to match each other's outstandingly good look!
we never get the pretty-pressure around each other
we're often seen as a unit already and loving it!
the royal, graceful qualities of Sakura
still shines through even when she's
only sitting and spacing out...
her smiley eyes are such a big catch,
making everyone fall in love with her instantly.
look at me in so many different styles,
my hairdo is never boring,
cute to be short, romantic when it's long,
wild and carefree in big curls.
it's always love at first sight when mommy sees me.
and i still make her heart rush!
give a gentle smile, and the crowd goes crazy.
sticking my tiny tongue out, cuz i'm
innocent and pure like an angel.

elegant sitting, mommy has trained my manners well,
and i also live up to her expectations into
behaving like a real princess,
mommy loves it when i'm a good girl,
and i love to put smiles on her lovely face.
in the world of Sakura and mommy,
we will continue to live a happy life ever after
in the nicely scented castle mommy built for me.