幼隆(ヨーロー)名犬飼育センター 荻漥孝一おぎくばたかかず
ワンちゃんを日本各地方 へお届けいたします
海外からの問い合わせ +886-963110478(日本語)

ウェブサイト 52993344.com
訪問人数: 1
総訪問人数: 0012046194
旅行の夢が実現する: スモールティーカッププードルテッディーベア (クリーム)

a long long time ago, there was this silly teddy bear
who dreamed to be a beautiful flight attendant,
who dreamed to travel around the world,
setting footprints everywhere she goes! 

unfortunately we teddy bears are born without wings.
and all my friends laughed at my dreams:
why would you even dream of flying high?

but today, my dream is about to come true.
i thank mommy for choosing me from Teddy Mommy's and
giving me this opportunity to realistic my dream of flying.

friends said: teddy bears can never fly into the sky
but now, i will prove them all wrong!!

because of mommy, i'm given the chance
to borad the aireplane first time ever in my life,
for me to fly higher than the clouds,
and gather with her in Hong Kong.

small teacup poodle teddy bear,
with such a petite body,
i can too soar in the wide blue sky.
because of love, i dare to dream.
thank you mommy xx

www.52993344.com | www.tcuppoodle.com
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