mommy Germana's beautiful face is often seen at
various official dog shows throughout Italy.
the careful and tender personality of hers,
along with her passionate and friendly laughs,
have helped her developed close friendships
wih people from different regions and cities.
Germana is also a professional especially in the
caring, breeding and training of
a number of different canines.
she's one of the pocket teacup poodle owners
Teddy Mommy most-trusted.
ever since mommy Germana jumped on the magazine with Yumi,
the hot for Pocket Teacup Poodle Teddy Bears became
a local trend, and the term "Pocket Teacup poodles"
became one of the most searched words
on the internet for quite some time!
knowing that pocket teacup poodles aren't easy to breed successfully,
mommy Germana was very patient at waiting for Yumi to be born.
she also sent her handsome husband to come all the way
to Taiwan to guard Yumi back her way to Milan personally.
yes that's how considerate mommy Germana is =)
sweet sunshine smiles and her deep charming eyes,
what's more important is her soft, kind inner beauty.
despite distance and language barriers,
Teddy Mommy appreciates this friendship she shares
with mommy Germana very much, very grateful
to have known Germana for all these years.
in different time zones, we both work extremely hard
on the canines we love wholeheartedly, never stopping.
we aim for self-imporvement and advancement,
competeing with ourselves every year.
the journey of breeding has never been easy,
you need to be extremly strong-headed and picky
in order to turn personal interests in poodle teddy bears
into your motivation and to create eternal spiritual fulfillment.
we'll always have the total support for each other,
for the better future of what we love,
love you always, mommy Germana!!