ブラジルに到着 - マイクロティーカッププードル仔犬, 2016/7/28
Mommy already have named for me, Thor!
This is as handsome THOR name yet.
When I arrived in Brazil I will take photos with mommy like that!
Then also show to Teddymommy to see!
Look! I'm just after shower and grooming.
How handsome am I.
Mommy also have bought a scarf that marked my name!

Teddymommy said Brazil is very very far, have to fly so long time.
It's okay! In order to see mommy, I do!
This is as handsome THOR name yet.

When I arrived in Brazil I will take photos with mommy like that!
Then also show to Teddymommy to see!
Look! I'm just after shower and grooming.
How handsome am I.

Mommy also have bought a scarf that marked my name!

Teddymommy said Brazil is very very far, have to fly so long time.
It's okay! In order to see mommy, I do!